Things To Know Before Your Laser Tattoo Removal
Spring is right around the corner - and you know what that means? Tanks tops & shorts! That means showing off that ink you have regretted since you were 18. No worries - this is what you need to know before scheduling your appointment to get your ink removed.
- Skin recovery starts from within - during this process boost up your immune system. Eat and stay healthy before you begin and after.
One treatment isn’t going to be enough. You are going to have to have multiple sessions for the tattoo to be completely removed. The number of sessions cannot be predicted since every tattoo detail and size are going to vary.
Taking a break in between sessions is key. Apply the laser treatment again too soon can be a risk factor to open wounds and skin irritation. Average time in between sessions is four to six weeks.
Areas with poor circulation heal poorly after getting laser tattoo removal. Meaning, areas closer to the heart are better to get removal. Fading is slower down towards your legs and lower arms - the farther down you get away from your heart.
There can be common side effects after getting laser tattoo removal - these include swelling, raising of the tattoo, redness and temporary darkening. These all will subside and only takes a couple of weeks.
Some ink that was used in your tattoo (mostly containing white ink) after the laser treatment can cause temporary darkening. This is because of titanium dioxide - and will be corrected upon the rest of the treatments.
The older the tattoo - THE BETTER! This is because tattoos will naturally fade on their own. If you are removing an old tattoo that’s already faded this will make your treatments and process a lot easier.
Apply sunscreen before and after your laser removal to minimize changes in your skin pigment.
Allergies. Be aware and make sure you let the technician know of any allergies you have or if you had any reactions from a previous session.
Stay clear of infections - wash your hands and shower regularly.
Skin recovery requires a blockage free path for blood flow - try to stay smoke-free during this process.
Schedule your sessions accordingly, do not miss a session or do a session too early or late.